Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mini Goals of 2014 update!

Well lovelies, we are officially three months into the new year and I have a few updates on my MINI goals of 2014. I also have some 'splanin to do on why it's been so quiet around these parts for the past three weeks. But first...MY LIST!

1. Take the TEAs Test.- DONE
 Done, done, done, done, DONE and it was terrible! I made lower than I wanted to on the exam and now I'm feeling lots of doubt and anxiety about whether or not I'll be accepted into the nursing program. I spent so much time focusing and stressing over the math portion of the exam, but the section that killed my grade as well as most of my classmates grades, was SCIENCE! When they say that you'll be tested on anything and everything that deals with science, they.are.not.lying. It was bad. BRUTAL. Yet, I'm glad it's over with! I can't take the test again until the next acadmeic school year begins, so this will push my entry into the nursing program back a year, but hey, it is what it is. And thank god it's over with...for now!

2. Read 75 Books- Work in Progress
As of right now, Goodreads is telling me that I'm one book behind schedule, but I'm fixing to finish up Sweet Peril by Wendy Higgins, so I should be back on track TOMORROW. Woot!

3. Sign up for Zumba and GO!
Sort of. 
I live on the East Coast and like most of the other parts of the country, we've been dumped with multiple inches of snow on and off over the past month. 
In my area, when there's an inch to two inches on the ground, EVERYTHING shuts down lol. So I did end up missing two Zumba classes that were rescheduled on days that didn't work with my schedule. 
Over all, I made myself go on the days I'd rather just lay on the couch and nap, and you know what?
I missed the bond that you form with the men and women who are shedding sweat and pounds right along beside you. I missed the music, THE MOVES! Most of all I missed being active. I was only going once a week, but it inspired me to do more, to be more. 
I'm going to be switching to morning classes for the rest of the school year, but I'm hoping by June that I'll be going at least twice a week, plus visiting a regular fitness gym as well. 
Baby steps, people!

4. Read to my kids more
I have NOT been good at this. Nope. No reason to lie or sugar coat it. This is going to be something I focus on the most this month.

5. Make Family Time a Priority
Thanks to the never ending snow days, family time is being had by everyone! I forgot how nice it is to just stay home all day and do NOTHING, except hang with the hubster and your kids. Yeah, by day three of the snow day I was stir crazy, but hanging out with the little buggers and the man-child gave us some time to reconnect and get back on track with each other. That being said, we still need to regulate our "tech-time." It'll happen one day...right? O.O

Well, that's where I'm at with my "small" goals of 2014. I'll probably wait and do an update on the BIG goals around June; when half of the year is over.

Now for why I've been absent from my blog. Besides reading some really great books and being too lazy to review them, I've been in a funk. That TEAS test just broke my heart and made me have a pretty serious mental moment. I loathe failure. It just tears me up, and I felt miserable and disappointed in myself for days after I took that damn test. 

Now after taking a break from the world, I feel so much better. I literally lost myself in my family and my books and it was the best medicine. That being said, I have like five reviews that I need to post as well as two blog stop post lmao So it'll definitely be a busy week here at Bindi's Bookatory!

Til next time!


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